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Perfect Utilization
Episode 042R

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

The Friday Roundup highlights the new FI documentary 'Playing With Fire,' emphasizing its impactful message against consumerism and the importance of financial independence. Jonathan and Brad reflect on their surreal experiences while filming, sharing insights on community building within the FI movement. They discuss the potential formation of a ChooseFI community on Slack, creating a digital vault for valuable resources, and exploring the overlap between entrepreneurship and FI. Key feedback from listeners is reviewed, emphasizing diverse paths to financial independence. Jonathan introduces changes in the travel rewards landscape regarding Chase's card offerings, underscoring the importance of adaptability in the rewards game.

Episode Timestamps

Empower Your Financial Journey with ChooseFI

The pursuit of financial independence (FI) requires not just knowledge but also community engagement and actionable strategies. The recent round-up episode features insights that can guide you on your journey to achieving financial freedom. Here's how you can leverage these insights to reshape your financial path and engage with a supportive community.

Embrace the Message of Media

The upcoming documentary "Playing With Fire" signals a pivotal moment for the FI community, emphasizing the importance of rejecting consumerism in favor of personal financial health. This documentary showcases various lifestyles that prioritize financial independence over traditional consumerist values.

Pay Yourself First

Throughout your journey to FI, make it a principle to prioritize your financial well-being. This means regularly diverting a portion of your income into savings or investments before spending on non-essentials. By paying yourself first, you create a buffer that facilitates wealth-building and secures your financial future.

Intentional Living vs. Consumerism

Adopting an intentional living approach requires a conscious decision to reject unsustainable consumer habits. Remind yourself that your financial choices have a direct impact on your happiness and long-term success. Start decluttering your life from unnecessary possessions and redirect your focus towards acquiring skills—skills will serve you much better in the long run than material items.

Build Community Connections

A strong community can foster lasting connections and enhance your financial journey. ChooseFI offers multiple platforms for engagement, allowing you to connect with others passionate about financial independence.

Join the ChooseFI Slack Community

Anticipate the launch of a dedicated Slack community, a place where you can interact with fellow FI enthusiasts. This platform will help you share insightful hacks, ask questions, and exchange valuable resources without the formalities of traditional communication methods. If you possess knowledge about Slack and can assist in its implementation, consider getting involved.

Create and Share Valuable Resources

The upcoming digital vault will serve as a repository for valuable finance-related resources. From budgeting calculators to essential reading lists, the digital vault will provide tools that help streamline your financial journey.

Contribute to the Digital Vault

If you have any useful resources, take the initiative to contribute to this vault. Sharing your tools will not only benefit you but also fellow members of the community striving for FI. If we all add a little to the vault, it can become a powerhouse of information for anyone looking to enhance their financial literacy.

Explore Unconventional Paths to FI

The episode also highlights the relationship between entrepreneurship and financial independence. Many paths lead to FI; one such path is business acquisition.

Consider Business Acquisition

Buying a small business can serve as a lucrative venture that potentially accelerates your journey to financial independence. However, ensure you understand the responsibilities and risks involved in running a business.

  • Research Thoroughly: Before diving in, conduct comprehensive research. Analyze market conditions, industry trends, and operational processes.
  • Create a Solid Framework: When considering business with family or friends, establish clear agreements addressing potential future challenges. Having this framework helps maintain both personal and professional relationships.

Engage in Self-Education and Lifelong Learning

Continued education and skill development form the cornerstone of effective wealth-building strategies.

Collect Skills, Not Stuff

The mantra "collect skills, not stuff" resonates deeply within the FI community. By focusing on self-improvement and education, you enhance your potential to create wealth. Seek out workshops, online courses, or community events to further your knowledge.

Dive Deeper with Community Programs

Participation in community events, such as CampFI, will enrich your understanding of financial independence while allowing you to network with others on the same journey.

Don't Miss Out on CampFI

CampFI is a fantastic opportunity to meet like-minded individuals committed to their financial freedom. Building connections at such events can provide insurmountable benefits as you engage and learn from others' experiences.

Utilize Resources Wisely

Make use of existing financial tools designed to simplify wealth-building.

Travel Rewards and Financial Tools

Stay abreast of available financial tools and programs, such as travel rewards that can significantly enhance your financial strategy. Understanding how to maximize credit card points or travel rewards can offer additional avenues for savings and benefits.

Reflecting on Your Financial Path

Regularly assess your goals and methods to align your financial journey with your values and aspirations.

Reevaluate What Matters

What do you aspire to achieve? As you focus on your journey toward financial independence, regularly revisit your goals. Ensure that your financial strategy aligns with your evolving values and ambitions.


The journey to financial independence is unique for each individual but is made more accessible when supported by a community. Whether participating in discussions, sharing resources, or attending events like CampFI, all these steps can significantly impact your progress. Allow "Playing With Fire" to motivate you to reject consumerism and prioritize financial wellness. Embrace the mantra of paying yourself first, collecting skills, and continually engaging with your community.

Join the movement, leverage these strategies, and move towards a life of intentional living and financial independence.

In today's Friday Roundup we discuss Episode 42 with JW from The Green Swan, plus various discussions about community and feedback from the audience.

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Podcast Episode Summary

  • A discussion of Episode 42 with JW from The Green Swan
  • Scott Rieckens and his crew from the documentary Playing With FIRE were in Richmond this week filming our podcast, lives and a Richmond FI get together
  • The importance of community in the Financial Independence world and the volunteers we’ve received to be ‘community leaders’ for Choose FI meetups
  • How we’re going to setup Slack for the Choose FI community and we need someone to help organize it
  • The decision JW made to buy a business with his brothers and how unconventional that is
  • How you need to consider all possibilities when going into business with anyone
  • Brad and Jonathan didn’t have the discussion of all future possibilities and didn’t put together an operating agreement, but are now going to do so thanks to JW’s advice
  • Feedback from Lucas on the Green Swan episode about not relating to a high dollar value acquisition
  • A question from Lucas on how this differs from buying an individual stock and if they had an unfair advantage by being CPAs and MBAs
  • We all have a unique path to FI
  • You need to see how different investment and business opportunities fit into your life and with your own risk profile
  • Calculation based on getting a return of 8% versus 16% over a 15-year period
  • How hustle can be as or more important than any skills or certifications you have
  • How putting skills from various areas together will help you succeed dramatically in life
  • Different ways to improve a business from Jonathan if you’re a lifelong learner
  • Announcement of the next Camp FI in Williamsburg, Virginia in April 2018
  • “Collect skills not stuff” motto from Jonathan and how he wants to explore a “Maker space” for a community of learners
  • The sharing possibilities of having pooled resources with neighbors or communities
  • The new Mr. Money Mustache World Headquarters for people with the FI and entrepreneurial mindset
  • Buy Nothing Project and how it relates to “the alley will provide”
  • Travel Rewards update on changes to card opening options
  • Itunes reviews of the week

Links from the show: